Over 300 visitors attended PPh’s March 22 Wellness Symposium, which featured information on ways one can live a healthy lifestyle at any age.
There were over 25 notable exhibitors, including Academy Injury and Health, Bayada Home Health Care, Burholme EMS, Contact Philadelphia, Evercare, Goodwin Hearing Aid Center, Jean Madeline Aveda Institute, Jeanes Hospital, JCC Klein Wellness Center, Lincoln Technical Institute, Mary Kay Beauty & Skin Care, Northeast Meals on Wheels, Philadelphia Corporation for Aging, PPh Wellness Center & Beauty Salon, Southeastern Home Health, the VA Medical Center of Philadelphia, and Wellness Resolutions.
Staff got a chance to have some fun at their own PPhunky PPhitness PPhriday event. Wellness, Human Resource, Rec Therapy, Dining Service and Finance employees got into the spirit, making up dances to such tunes as “I Always Feel Like, Somebody’s Watchin Me!” and “Money: That’s What I Want.” Others took a turn in the moon bounce to let off some steam.
The Wellness Department gets into PPhunky PPhitness PPhriday!
Jeanes Hospital offered blood pressure checks
A hand massage always feels good.
The over 25 exhibitors filled the social hall.