Over one hundred members of the PPh veterans group and resident and staff volunteers gathered on June 25 to assemble 100 care packages for overseas troops as part of Liberty USO’s “Christmas in July” project. They were joined by representatives from Liberty USO and uniformed members of the Pennsylvania National Guard.
Donations for USO Christmas in July
Care package items were donated by residents and staff and included a DVD movie, flip flops, games and snacks. PPh is one of ten ambassador organizations participating in this program and the only continuing care retirement community. Liberty USO’s goal is to assemble 1,000 care packages for overseas shipment.
The project began with the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Fred Wahl, followed by an invocation, said by the Rev. William Stone. Fred Loeble played the Marine Corps Hymn on the harmonica and Alice Durham led the group in the singing of “God Bless America.” Army Sergeant First Class Cynthia Gyening thanked the group for their support and spoke about her service in Iraq.
“I can’t tell you how much we appreciated the care packages we received from home,” she said. “They did so much for the morale of my fellow soldiers when we were serving so far from home.”