Members of The Philadelphia Protestant Home’s Heritage Society gathered for a luncheon in their honor on December 12. The luncheon, which was to be held on October 30, was delayed due to Hurricane Sandy.
“The next generation of residents may never know your name, but they will be grateful for your commitment to PPh,” she said. Roberta A. Healey, Simpson Senior Services Vice President for Philanthropy, past PPh Development Director and founder of The Heritage Society, was the keynote speaker. She spoke about how valuable the philanthropy of the members of the Heritage Society is to the future of PPh.
New members S. Elizabeth Bonsall, Mary Fields, William Krai, J. Frederick and Gertrude Loeble, and Karl Loewe were inducted by Anthony Manzo, President and CEO, and Barbara Beckman, Chairperson of the Board of Directors. Each received a certificate, a Heritage Society pin, and a copy of PPh Memories. In addition, their names will be added to the Heritage Society plaque in the esplanade and a brick engraved with their name will be placed in “The Garden…”
The Heritage Society of The Philadelphia Protestant Home was established in 1990 and the name reflects our appreciation and admiration for those who had the vision to launch PPh. Membership in the Society recognizes individuals who have made a deferred gift, such as charitable gift annuity, a bequest through a will, an IRA, life insurance or other gift which is made by a donor during his or her life and received by the Home after the donor’s death.
For more information about The Heritage Society, contact Diane Nawn at 215-697-8568.