Throughout the month of March, PPH celebrated National Nutrition Month. The Wellness and Health departments hosted “Smoothie Fridays” every Friday in March to encourage staff and residents to get their five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.

With that in mind, the Wellness department wants to encourage PPH staff to continue making better health-conscious decisions in their foods. Between April 1 and April 20, 2019, there will be a 20-day Sugar-Free Challenge at PPH. By doing so, everyone will become aware of the amount of sugar in the foods consumed daily, while also finding new, healthier ways to satisfy cravings!

The Challenge: Eliminate foods that cause sugar cravings, balance your blood sugar, and choose healthier nutrient-dense foods. Keeping a food journal to chart weight and progress will be helpful.

Join us for a real food reset, to help you drop processed foods, reset your taste buds, enjoy the food you eat, and improve your health. You’ll understand the effect of sugar and processed foods on your body and see just how great you can feel without them.

Fee: $10 to register. Raffle prizes at the end of the challenge!

Benefits of Going SUGAR-FREE: Increase mental clarity, increase energy throughout the day, clearer skin, mood stabilization, decreased inflammation, reduce the risk of digestive conditions, reduce the risk for type 2 diabetes.

Incentives: Receive real-life solutions, amazing recipes, and easy food swaps to help you make better choices! Discover places that sugar hides in your diet and find great-tasting and nutritious alternatives.

What Happens To Your Brain When You Give Up Sugar :