It is hard to believe the year is coming to a close. This year has been full of fun and celebration. We have highlighted some of our favorite moments from 2022!
JANUARY: Happy New Year!
FEBRUARY: PPH residents honor the security team for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!
PPH residents Sylvia and Marge pose with Johnny (security) to give a certificate of appreciation.
A large “thank you” card signed by residents for the security team.
MARCH: The library reopens!
After two long years during the Covid-19 pandemic, the library was closed. Residents gathered to celebrate the “re-opening” of the library!
APRIL: The new, interactive Veterans Display opens.
The new, digital version replaced an older cabinet that displayed residents, and former residents, photos from their time in the military. The new display features photos of our residents, and former residents, from their time in the military and a more current photo.
MAY: PPH celebrates Nurse’s week.
PPH celebrated, and honored our resident and staff nurses.
JUNE: PPH celebrates our centenarians AND celebrates our Certified Nurses Aides.
PPH participated in the Montgomery County centenarian celebration! Our centenarians gathered in the Social Hall to enjoy the celebration…and of course, cake!
JULY: PPH Makes it’s own “Summer Energy”
The power was shut down in the community for several hours for a critical repair. PPH decided to create its own “energy” to pass the time until the power went back on!
AUGUST: Merrill Reese, “the voice of the Philadelphia Eagles” visits to give the 2022/23 season report.
PPH was excited to welcome Merrill Reese, “the voice” of the Philadelphia Eagles to give us his 2022/23 season report and predictions.
SEPTEMBER: PPH Garden Party benefiting Benevolent Care.
The 2022 Garden Party, benefiting Benevolent Care at PPH, was a great success – raising nearly $120,000! Residents, staff and guests enjoyed the PPH ACE Center while enjoying delicious food, great music and even a live auction!
OCTOBER: PPH staff appreciation party and Residents versus Staff Bocce Ball tournament (the residents won)!
The first annual “residents versus staff Bocce competition” helped to raise money for the Alzheimer’s Association.
NOVEMBER: Founder’s Day celebration – in person again!
After two years of virtual celebrations, PPH was excited to host the annual Founder’s Day celebration in person. Our residents of the year, as well as the employee of the year were honored in this very special program.
DECEMBER: Holidays around campus!
PPH loves to celebrate — and the holidays are the perfect “excuse!”